An M.F'n.A. Preview

Sup Blog, its going to be a harrowing next few days. What with getting ready for the SVA MFA Illustration Thesis Show and everything. I've seen the test prints from Duggal and they look pretty great. These are the biggest I've ever worked, with a couple of the pieces being around 20x36in. I'm going to attempt a sixth piece, and hopefully I can get it printed in time before the gallery doors open on May 1st. My series is called "Let There Be Stuff", and its about a lazy deity. I don't want to say more because I want people to pull out from it whatever they want. Many thanks to Mario Hugo for his incredibly discerning eye. He was a great resource during this entire process.

Also, there's another preview up on my Altpick page (cross promotion is a good thing). Speaking of Altpick, the decks are on their way and they should be in the states by next week.

And I know that I haven't updated my main website in a while, but when the insanity of graduation recedes I'm going to do a big update. So look forward to that.

That's it for now blog, see you at the show!